Monday 13 December 2010

Magazine analysis continued...

 My contents page:

I have decided to keep my contents page simple yet busy. I have done this by having a clear and spacious layout while still including a lot of text and image. I thought that having a main image of a strong famous female (Taylor Swift) would engrave the genre of my magazine into the reader. The image that I have used was taken at a BBC Teen Awards gig that was for under 18's only, this means that almost all of my intended audience could have been there, I wanted to use an authentic image because it suggests to the reader that the photo could have been taken by themselves, and so the magazine is realistic and the reader can really relate to its content. Taylor Swift is doing a power pose which I thought made this image the perfect one for my magazine as that is basically what my magazine is about - Girl Power.

I have used direct address with 'you're invited' to reinforce this connection between the magazine and the reader. I kept the same fonts used on the front cover for the contents page so that there would be a theme and that it would link well. The colours used make it feministic without being too girlie, I chose to do this as my magazine is for women but not young or ultra-girlie girls. All my images are of females, I did this to again say that the magazine is for females and to highlight the fact that males are not the most important aspect of the music business anymore.

I linked the two smaller images with two of the articles mentioned to give the reader an insight into what the magazine is about without having to read. Due to the fact that I want my magazine to be a light, fun read, I have decided not to have too much text and large images. This will help to keep the reader entertained and intrigued as a picture can say a million words.

My double spread page:

I tried to keep my double page within the theme of being easy to read, lots of pictures and the same fonts and colours throughout the page. I decided by having a simple article layout, the content would appear to be interesting as it doesn't look like its a long or tedious read. The images are all of the same girl which shows without having to read the article, who it is about. The images are all fun and friendly -this also suggests that the article will be entertaining to read and that you will get a real insight into Becky Lewis. All the images show her facing the audience, whereas on the front cover she is facing her body away, I did this to suggest to the reader that now that they have baught the magazine, they are allowed to see and read eveything about her. She has faced the audience and is ready to spill her secrets. However, there is a section in the interview where she refuses to tell any more to the VIBE -  I did this to remind to the audience that even with confidence and power, one should always have some privacy about them. I also wanted the audience to realise that Becky is a real person and has certain things she is not willing to share, I wanted my audience to respect that.

I kept the interview chatty and informal as to get a non-guarded response from Becky Lewis. I tried to give the impression that the magazine, Becky Lewis and the reader are all good friends and are just having a general chat. I thought that this was the most effective way of getting the reader involved and interested. I included that Becky was eating biscuits because I wanted it to show girls that eating is cool, Becky is skinny, polite and a super star, I wanted my audience to aspire to be like her, and that includes eating properly. I wanted there to be a subconscious message about annorexia not being neccessary to get power, confidence or fame.

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