Wednesday 24 November 2010

My Music Magazine Front Cover

Music Magazine Drafts - Video analysis

Development from draft to final:

I decided to keep the female image, as the magazine is for females and it's meant to be about female artists. The image is of Becky Lewis to highlight the main article feature of the magazine, this helps to attract fans of Becky Lewis, who would therefore buy the magazine.

I chose this close up image of her because it suggests she is confident enough to stand close to a camera, she also has hardly any make up on which reinforces the idea of natural confidence. Becky is also looking directly at the camera, which gives the viewer the impression that they are being targeted individually - this may encourage them to buy the magazine. Her hair covers one eye which suggests that she is hiding something. I did this to suggest to the reader that you have to buy the magazine to reveal her secrets. This encourages light voyeurism, but also presents escapism and the opportunity to learn from others. In our modern day society, most fashion and gossip magazines do this, I have included this aspect into my music magazine as it gives it a bit of originality from all the other music magazines on the market.
I kept the price as red because its connotations mean love, lust and anger. I chose red because it indicated lust for the magazine, love for Becky Lewis and anger of fighting for feministic ideas.
I decided to keep the title, font and colour for the same reasons mentioned in the video above. I changed the background from black and white to a grey; I thought that this could represent the stage between innocence (white) and adulthood (black) as grey is in between white and black on the colour scale.

I wanted Becky to be smiling to suggest that she is friendly and ready to share her secrets inside the magazine. I also have her positioned like this, as it looks like she is facing the content of the magazine but looking over her shoulder to ensnare the reader. I thought that this could suggest to the reader that Becky wants them to follow her into the magazine to find out more.

I have used simple language to portray that the magazine is a light read and just a bit of fun. "Unsigned" and "unmissable" are the longest words that I have used. Due to my intended audience, I thought this approach was probably the best as most 15-21 year olds are in some form of education and so wouldn't want to read something heavy or complicated. They want to take a break from studying and just enjoy themselves, my magazine aims to be the perfect get away.

I have decided to make the heading "BECKY LEWIS - THE REAL DEAL" emphatic because I wanted it to be the main article of the magazine, as mentioned in the video. See later blog post for this article feature.

I decided to keep the price at £2.99 as my research (in blue folder) proved that most people would pay £3 for a magazine happily. As the issue is monthly, I think that this is cheap enough even for students who may have no proper income.

24th November 2010 - VIBE Music magazine.

VIBE is a music magazine for females between the age of 15 and 21. It aims to show how the music business is no longer a male-dominated business and encourages readers to work for their dreams and realise that they can achieve anything. It also aims to be the perfect get away for students who just want to find out whats going on, without doing their own research.

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